Home Buying: Did this homebuyers credit score go from 543 to 639 in 1 hour?
Did this homebuyers credit score go from 543 to 639 in less than an hour?Crazy! Check this out! ?????????????? Lonnie Wilborn Jr. NMLS: 1570171 Barrett Financial Group ?480-646-7220 ?Lonnie@barrettfinancial.com Want more information on purchasing or [...]
Home Buying: Here is what Credit Karma Credit Monitoring is NOT good at!
Everyone uses or have heard of the credit monitoring app Credit Karma! They are great for alot of things. But here is what they aren't great at!
Success Story: Saving over $400/month with a home loan Refinance
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Home Buying: Why Are My Credit Scores So Different?
?Home Buying: Why Are My Credit Scores So Different? ? I get asked this question a lot and the answer is quite simple. Without going too in depth, the main reasons are; ?Each company is it’s [...]
Purchase a Home Using a Home Buying Assistance Program
Want to purchase a home but don't have the down payment? Thats not a problem! Watch this video to learn how to use a home buying assistance program to purchase your next home! Don't let [...]
3% Down Conventional Home Loan
When you think of a conventional loan, what's the first thing that comes to mind? Is it 20% down with a FICO score of 700+? That's how things USE to be. You no longer have [...]